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Therapy for Grief and Loss in Florida: Where to Find Support

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Therapy for Grief and Loss in Florida

Grief is a common, natural response to losing something or someone important to you. You may experience grief after the death of a loved one, a change in your health, a significant life change, or for other reasons.

Grief can show up as sadness, anger, numbness, and other complex feelings. Grief can disrupt your sleep, affect your appetite, and impact your focus and memory. It can impact every aspect of your social, physical, and mental health.

Therapy can help people process traumatic experiences and grief. This article will explore therapy for grief and loss. You will learn:

  • What grief is
  • Why people require specialized grief counseling techniques to work through grief
  • Self-care strategies people can use during the grieving process
  • Where to find therapy, mental health treatment, and support

If you or someone you love is experiencing grief, you are not alone. Contact the Agape Behavioral Health specialists to learn about our treatment programs or to schedule an intake appointment.

What is Grief?

Grief is an emotional response to a significant loss. While many people associate grief with the loss of a loved one, many other traumatic events may lead to grief.

Some examples of events that may trigger grief include:

  • Losing a loved one
  • The end of a relationship
  • A change in health status
  • The death of a pet
  • Loss of financial security
  • Retirement
  • A miscarriage
  • Moving away from the family home
  • Children leaving the household in adulthood
  • A job loss
  • Giving up on a life goal or dream
  • A loss of safety after a traumatic event

These and other situations may lead to an intense emotional response that may require support, including therapy.

Some mental health experts believe people experience different stages of grief. These stages are:

People do not necessarily move through these stages in order. They may experience them at any point in the grieving process.

It is essential to recognize and address grief. Some of the most common symptoms of grief include:

  • Shock
  • Disbelief
  • Guilt
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Fear or anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Weight changes
  • Insomnia
  • Suppressed immunity
  • Aches and pain without a clear physical cause
  • Nausea

People may experience grief for days, weeks, months, or even years after a loss. People in grief may benefit from individual and group therapy, lifestyle changes, and continued support from friends and family members.

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Why Do People Need Grief and Loss Counseling?

While some people believe ignoring grief is the best way to avoid it, this is not effective. Grief is a natural response. Ignoring the thoughts and feelings will not make them go away.

Instead, it is critical for people to experience these feelings and thoughts. Although this process can be painful, it is an important aspect of accepting the loss and moving forward. Grief, trauma, and bereavement counseling can help people process their experiences and develop healthy coping skills.

Participating in grief therapy can also help people address the symptoms of complicated grief. This condition occurs when people get “stuck” in their grief. This type of grief is especially common when you’ve lost someone suddenly. It may lead to symptoms that last for a long time or leave people unable to accept their loved one is gone.

Working with a licensed mental health practitioner individually or in support groups can help people process all types of grief and begin to move forward.

What Types of Therapy Can Help People Manage Grief?

There are many types of therapy that can help people work through grief. Here is an overview of some common grief therapy approaches.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT can help people recognize the connection between their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. People work with a therapist to set goals related to their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and work toward them.

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

ACT encourages people to face their grief instead of hiding from it. People learn how to embrace the grieving process and care for themselves, allowing them to move past it.

Complicated grief therapy

Complicated grief therapy offers individual or group support that teaches people about this type of grief. People learn skills that allow them to adjust to a loss.

Interpersonal therapy

Interpersonal therapy encourages people to focus on the present, including their current relationships, instead of reliving the past. It can help people remain grounded in their current situation instead of feeling guilt or anxiety about the past.

In addition to participating in grief therapy, people may benefit from practicing good self-care by eating well, exercising regularly, and prioritizing rest and sleep. People may also require additional medical and mental health care as they navigate the grieving process.

Find Grief and Loss Therapy in Florida

If you or someone you love struggles with grief, you are not alone. Compassionate support and mental health treatment are available at Agape Behavioral Health. Contact our intake team now to learn more about our programs or to schedule an intake appointment.

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