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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Symptoms and Treatment

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that causes disruptive behavioral symptoms. People with ADHD may have trouble focusing on tasks, sitting still for any period, or controlling impulses. This condition affects an estimated 7 million children and 8.7 million adults. The symptoms of ADHD can significantly impact a person’s functioning and quality of life. Fortunately, there are effective treatments for ADHD.  This article will explore what ADHD is and how to manage it. You will learn:
  • The symptoms of ADHD
  • How attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects people’s functioning
  • How to treat and manage the symptoms of ADHD
  • Where to find comprehensive ADHD treatment
If you or someone you love lives with ADHD, you are not alone. Contact the Agape Behavioral Healthcare specialists to learn about our comprehensive ADHD treatment and support programs.  Reach out with questions or to schedule an intake appointment. 

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that causes inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. These symptoms can impair functioning and development. To receive a diagnosis of ADHD, people must exhibit ADHD symptoms for at least six months. Symptoms must be present before the age of 12. The symptoms of ADHD must occur in two or more settings. These may include work, at home, with friends, or at school. The symptoms must be severe enough to interfere with a person’s functioning at school, work, or in social situations.  Several conditions have similar symptoms to ADHD, including:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sleep disorders
Medical professionals typically test for these and other physical conditions to ensure an accurate ADHD diagnosis.  People usually receive a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder during childhood. However, doctors may diagnose people with ADHD as a teen or adult if they meet the criteria for this condition.  Medical experts do not fully understand what causes ADHD. Research suggests that there may be a genetic component to the condition. Researchers are also examining other potential risk factors, including social environments, brain injuries, and nutrition. 

Exploring the Symptoms of ADHD

According to the National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH), there are three categories of ADHD symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. People with ADHD may exhibit different symptoms throughout their lives. Gender can also affect the symptoms a person exhibits.  Here is an overview of the different types of ADHD symptoms. 


Inattention means that children and adults with ADHD may struggle to maintain focus. They may struggle to stay on task or with organization. It is important to understand that adults and children with ADHD are not defiant or lack understanding of what they should be doing. Instead, their inattention is due to this mental health condition.


People with ADHD may seem as though a motor is powering their actions. They may move around constantly and have trouble sitting still. They may fidget, tap, or talk in situations where it is inappropriate. Adults with ADHD may exhibit restlessness or excessive talkativeness. These symptoms can impact functioning and social relationships. 


People with ADHD may struggle with impulsive behaviors. They may appear unable to control their actions. They may desire instant rewards and struggle with delayed gratification.  This symptom of ADHD may cause people to interrupt or speak over others. They may also make impulsive decisions without thinking about the potential consequences.  ADHD is a common type of condition that typically responds well to treatment. People who live with symptoms of attention deficit disorder must receive a proper diagnosis and treatment.  

Treating ADHD

There is no cure for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, effective treatment options can help people manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.  Treatment for ADHD includes a combination of prescription medications, talk therapy, education, and skills training. Comprehensive treatment can help people with ADHD feel and function better. 

Medications for ADHD

Many people with ADHD take prescription stimulants to reduce symptoms. Some of the medications used to treat ADHD have the potential for abuse and addiction. People who take prescription stimulant drugs must work closely with a medical professional and follow their orders carefully. Doctors may also prescribe non-stimulant ADHD medications. 

Talk therapy

Talk therapy can help people with ADHD manage symptoms of anxiety and depression. It also provides a safe place to work through challenges, process feelings, identify strengths, and learn new coping skills. People may participate in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or other behavioral therapies.  People with ADHD may also benefit from attending support groups or participating in therapy with family members. 

Education and counseling

Learning about ADHD can help people and their families manage symptoms more effectively. Education and counseling are important for parents of children with ADHD. It can also help adults with ADHD learn about managing the condition and identify community resources.  Living with ADHD can be challenging, but finding the right support and treatment can help. If you believe you or a loved one may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, reach out to your medical provider or a mental health specialist for guidance. 

Find Treatment for ADHD in Florida

The symptoms of ADHD can make it difficult to function and can affect your quality of life. You don’t have to go through this alone. Contact the specialists at Agape Behavioral Healthcare to learn about our comprehensive ADHD treatment and support programs.  References: 
  1. Forbes Magazine: ADHD Statistics And Facts In 2024
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Data and Statistics on ADHD
  3. National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH): Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  4. National Institute of Health (NIH): Understanding Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder From Childhood to Adulthood
  5. Springer Link: An overview on neurobiology and therapeutics of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
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